Sunday we celebrated Jillian's birthday. My baby is now 29 years old. Wow, where has the time gone. I asked Jillian what she would like for her birthday dinner and she immediate said egg rolls and fried rice.

My mom made a fresh coconut cake.

Everyone loves Grandma's coconut cake.

Even baby Mandre got his first bite!

It is good to the last bite.

What is this? A picture of Anthony? Smiling even? Love it!

I was even able to get a good picture of the kids in front of the tree.

This is it, all that is left. (Son, I would so love to send this to you, but I will make more the next time you are able to come home! We miss you.)

I found this shirt at Walmart the other day. Doesn't it look good on baby Mandre!!
You can always send those egg rolls my way!! (Ill eat them for Gino) :) Im sure he'd really appreciate it!
I am so glad I was finally able to find you, thanks to Sherry. It was really great to catch up with last weekend. Love the T-shirt. I may have to look for that. Still in baby waiting. Have a great holiday.
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