Arianna is with you!! Well they made it though the ride, but when we went to look at the pictures, this is what we saw. I don't know, but usually, when they don't show your picture, it is because there is something unacceptable there that Disney dosen't want the world to see. It is a family park you know. (Like when someone flashes the camera) I'm not saying that is what happened here, but . . . we didn't get to see their picture at the end of the ride. I am sure that there must have been some other kind of snafuu.
While the big kids rode California Screamin' , the two little kids rode King Triton's Carousel

Then we were off to the Rain Forest Cafe for a late lunch/early dinner.

Whaaaaaaat? Disney didn't show my picture?? So much for that idea!
Looks like you all had so much fun! :( I am glad though. Great Pictures like always :)
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