Last weekend was our annual trip to Las Vegas for the TGIF bowling league sweeps. We had decided to take the Corvette. Patrick had put four new tires on the car in late February to make sure we were set to go. We left the house about 8:00 in the morning and we were just flying down the road, as there wasn’t too much traffic. We were halfway between Barstow and Baker when we felt a vibration in the car, then the tail-tell signs of a flat. Oh man – let me tell you – not a good sound at about 90 miles an hour in the middle of no where. By the time we made it to the shoulder, we were both worried to look out the door to the possible damage.

Not to bad at 1st glance. We shredded the tire. God Bless cell phones. I got on the cell phone, called AAA to arrange for a flat bed tow truck. You see, the 2002 Z06 Corvette does not have room for a spare and did not come with runflats. Ugh. I then call around to America’s Tire to find a local store that could help us out. Not only does the car not come with a spare, the tire is one that you have to special order. I found an America’s Tire in Las Vegas. They would order the tire from the warehouse and it would be waiting for us. I then call AAA back to let them know we would need a tow truck drive that could take us all the way into Las Vegas. AAA tells me she is not sure the tow truck drive can cross state lines. When the guy got out to us (about 40 minutes later), he said not a problem.
He hooked the car up and we got a chauffeured drive the rest of the way into Vegas!! Since Patrick always buys the road hazard warranty, the new tire only cost us $61 (instead of the $500 the guy started to ring up)! It turns out that the air duct to the right rear break was also ripped up as part of the tire being destroyed. The man at America’s Tire said that should be covered by the road hazard. We will see what happens there.
While waiting for the tow truck driver, I realized I had to go to the bathroom. Umm – kind of badly. So I went up and over the burm on the freeway and – umm – left some DNA behind. (I hope there have been no murders in the area) Patrick’s favorite part of the our story is – Tow truck driver = $50; New tire = $62; Susan peaing in the desert = priceless!!
A 3 – 3.5 hour drive turned into an 8 hour trip into town.

As far as bowling – I didn’t do too badly. I came in 2nd place woman’s overall and cashed at $245!! Not great but it beats a poke in the eye!

I also went out to Frannie’s house for her baby shower on Saturday night. She got some nice stuff. Ladies – please remember this. I hate baby showers. I love to buy you a present. I made Franny’s new little baby a bear quilt (that I hear her sisters already love) and I got her a couple of new outfits (one that Frannie said the baby may come home from the hospital in), but I hate showers. I don’t want to play silly games. I don’t want to eat. Let’s open presents and ohh and ahh over all the cute stuff, have cake and go home! Ok maybe it’s just me that is the party pooper. (oh yea – Alex , aka chunk, Franny’s son loves to say poop! I tried to teach him to say vomit!! LOL)
1 comment:
Love the new posts on the blog!
Im sorry to hear about Bailey. :( I hope he gets better. LOL to the location of where you left your DNA. Lets pray there was no murders in that area! Ha Ha Ha, I still love what Pat said about the AAA, The Tire, and You-Priceless!
And for the baby showers... Well if Rylee gets a brother or sister Grandma Susan HAS TO GO TO THE BABY SHOWER!!!!!!!!!!!! =-)
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